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Q1. How easy is it to use the Lois LETS Program?
Q2. Does Lois LETS come with instructions?
Q3. How do we register the software?
Q4. How do we start an account with a balance other than Zero?
Q5. What is the difference between Distribution Code and Area Code?
Q6. What facilities are available for editing or exporting the reports?
Q7. How can I get more information?

How easy is it to use the Lois LETS Program?

Lois has been specially designed to be as easy to use as possible. It makes full use of the Windows interface and wherever possible, look up functions will help to enter new information and locate existing information.

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Does Lois LETS come with instructions?

There is a Windows help file included with the program which can be accessed from the Lois program or from the desktop. Also information regarding use of the program can be found on this Web site.

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How do we register the software?

  • Complete all the information on the User Details screen
  • Select Help, Produce Registration Form from the Lois menu.
  • Details are output to a file called register.txt in the Lois directory.
  • E-mail the file back to Lois Software.

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How do we start an account with a balance other than Zero?

Set up an account especially for setting up the system. This can be called Set-Up, Backlog, etc. Then transactions are entered between this account and each member to initialise the starting balance for the system and retaining the overall zero balance.

As an example:

If you had 3 members with the following balances:

Admin +100, Brian -350, Charlie +250

There would be a total overall balance of 0. When you set up the new system, you create 4 accounts

Admin, Start Up, Brian & Charlie

and you enter 3 transactions

Start Up to Admin +100
Brian to Start Up +350
Start Up to Charlie +250

The balances would then be:

Admin +100
Start Up 0
Brian -350
Charlie +250

... giving each member their correct balance and creating an overall system balance of zero.

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What is the difference between Distribution Code and Area Code?

One of the fields on the members screen is to store a distribution code for each member. This can be used in addition to the Area field which forms part of the address. Both of these can be populated using a pick-list to make population of data easier.

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What facilities are available for editing or exporting the reports?

There are two methods for editing the directory data:

Method 1

  • Run any of the reports
  • Export the data by clicking on the suitcase icon
  • Select a suitable format (csv, rtf, excel, etc.)
  • Save the file with a suitable name
  • Edit the data in the file using a word processor, desktop publisher, database, spreadsheet, etc.

Method 2

  • Run any of the reports
  • The data will have been output to a database table in the report database (report.mdb) which can be found in the path - c:\lois\reports
  • This table can then be edited using MS Access (or any other software package able to import Access databases) and displayed in any format you wish by running a query or report

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How can I get more information?

E-Mail: lets@loissoftware.com

Postal Address: Lois Software, 10 Filton Avenue, Horfield, Bristol, BS7 0AG, England

Telephone: +44 117 951 3971

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